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[219] keskitalo,k,aeic ponents underlie different asures of sweet taste preference

[220] http://hot/nutrition/sugars_public_nsultation/en/

[221] yudk,j,pure,white and deadly,reissue edn(pengu,2012)

[222] wilska,a,duodeciar caries–the ost prevalent disease of our century

[223] sheiha trends dental caries

[224] birkend,j,caries res(ar–apr 2000);34(2):109–16ian children and adolescents:a-specific and hort analyses

[225] asadeh,,j cl d res(2013);55:389–94anti-resistance bacterial biofils

[226] kapil,v,free radic biol ical role for nitrate-reducg oral bacteria blood pressure ntrol

[227] fe,dh,fect ile nucleotide polyical activity that can reduce sceptibility to caries

[228] holz,c,probiotics antiicrob protes(2013);5:259–63ctobacils paracasei dsz16671 reduces utans streptoi:a short-ter pilot study

[229] teanpaisan,r,cl oral vestig(apr 2014);18(3):857–62ctobacils paracasei sd1,a novel probiotic,reduces utans streptoi huan vonteers:a randoized pcebo-ntrolled trial

[230] gva,d,ll antropol(hurt on strepto utans and ctobacils sppsalivary unts children

[231] lobal burden of oral nditions 1990–2010:a systeatic analysis

[232] bernabé,e,ae,period and hort trends caries of peranent teeth four developed untries

[233] bray,ga,ahfructose rn syrup beveras ay py a role the epideic of obesity

[234] ng,sw,br j nutr(aug 2012);108(3):536–51patterns and trends of bevera nsureat brita,1986–2009

[235] bray,ga,ahfructose rn syrup beveras ay py a role the epideic of obesity

[236] hu,fb,physiol behav(2010);100:47–54sugar-sweetened beveras and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes:epideic evidence

[237] itsui,t,j sports d phys fitness(estion of fructose-ntag sports drk

[238] bergheiast fructose-duced hepatic lipid auution ice:role of endotox

[239] bray,ga,diabetes care(apr 2014);37(4):950–6dietary sugar and body weight:have we reached a crisis the epidear

[240] de ruyter,jc,n engl j ar-sweetened beveras and body weight children

[241] sartorelli,ds,nutr tab cardiovasc dis(feb 2009);19(2):77–83dietary fructose,fruits,fruit juices and gse tolerance stat japanese–brazilians

[242] van buul,vj,nutr res rev(jun 2014);27(1):119–30ars and their role the obesity epideic

[243] kahn,r,diabetes care(apr 2014);37(4):957–62dietary sugar and body weight:have we reached a crisis the epidear is overwrought and overworked

[244] the ars and body weight:systeatic review and ta-analyses of randoised ntrolled trials and hort studies

[245] sievenpiper,jl,ann tern ht ntrolled feedg trials:a systeatic review and ta-analysis

[246] kelishadi,r,nutrition(ay 2014);30:503–10asciation of fructose nsuption and ponents of tabolic syndro huan studies:a systeatic review and ta-analysis

第十一章 碳水化合物:非糖类

[247] cesn,ut icrobiota position rretes with diet and health the elderly

[248] van tonren,s,applenvironicrobiol(2005);71(10):6438–42fecal icrobiota position and frailty

[249] friedric food cheenic,cardioprotective,and other health benefits of toato pounds lypene,α-toate,and toatide pure for and fresh and processed toatoes

[250] http://dailyirl-fire-ntroversial-views-ciood-youhtl

[251] osley,,and spencer,,the fast diet(short books,2013)

[252] bao,q,e-reted diseases–froet therapy

[253] johnn,jb,d hypotheses(2006);67:209–11the effect on health of alternate day calorie restriction:eatg less and s lifevallejo,ea,rev cl esp,63(1956):25–7 dieta de habre a dias alternos en alintacion de los viejos

[254] nicholn,a,c sci io services and self-reported health 22 european untrieses;the early calories restriction for cancer prevention

[255] carey,hv,ar p physiol(1 jan 2013);304(1):r33–42 seanal restructurg of the ground sirrel gut icrobiota over the annual hibernation cycle

[256] stello,ek,isut icrobiota burse pythons

[257] zarrpar,a,cell tab(2 dec 2014);20(6):1006–17doi:101016/jet201411008diet and feedg pattern affect the diurnal dynaut icrobio

[258] casazza,k,n engl j d(31 jan 2013);368(5):446-54yths,presuptions,and facts about obesity

[259] betts,ja,a j cl nutr(4 jun 2014);100(2):539–47the caal role of breakfast energy bance and health:a randoized ntrolled trial lean adultsdhurandhar,ej,a j cl nutr,(4 jun 2014);100(2):507–13the effectiveness of breakfast reht loss:a randoized ntrolled trial

[260] de hunty,a,obes facts(2013);6(1):70–85does regur breakfast cereal nsuption help children and adolescents stay slir?a systeatic review and ta-analysis

[261] bro,a j cl nutr(nov 2013);98(5):1298–308belief beyond the evidence:g the proposed effect of breakfast on obesity to shoo practices that distort scientifc evidence

[262] desai,av, res(dec 2004);7(6):589–95ic fences self-reported sys:a study

[263] shelton,h,hygienic systes,volii,health research(poroy,wa,1934)

[264] stote,ks,a j cl nutr(apr 2007);85(4):981–8a ntrolled trial of reduced al freency without caloric restriction healthy,nored adults

[265] di rienzi,sc,elife(1 oct 2013);2:e01102doi:107554/elife01102the huroundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belongg to a new candidate phy to cyanobacteria

[266] watanabe,f,nutrients(5 pnt food urces for vetarians

[267] brown,j,a j cl nutr(2004);80:396–403carotenoid bioavaibility is higher froested with full-fat than with fat-reduced sad dressgs as asured with electrocheical detection

[268] nnenburg,ed,cell our icrobial self:the deleterio nseences of a diet defcient icrobiota-aessible carbohydrates

[269] wertz,ae,gnition(jan 2014);130(1):44–9tyies that protect theers posed by pnts

[270] knaapi,a,physiol behav(15 aug 2007);91(5):573–8food neophobia shows heritable variation huans

第十二章 纤维素

[271] andern,jc,aastroenterol(oct 2014);109(10):1650–2editorial:nstipation and lorectal cancer risk:a ntug nundru

[272] treapleton,de,bj(19 dec 2013);347:f6879dietary fibre take and risk of cardiovascur disease:systeatic review and ta-analysis

[273] ki,y,a j epideiol(15 sep 2014);180(6):565–73dietary fiber take and total ortality:a ta-analysis of prospective hort studies

[274] ties,f,br j nutr(oct 2014);112 suppl 2:s19–30oats and cvd risk arkers:a systeatic literature review

[275] ilova,s,benef icrobes(sep 2014);5(3):273–83benefcial effects of huut icrobiota

[276] ukhanova,,br j nutr(28 jun 2014);111(12):2146–52effects of alut icrobiota position a rando study

[277] dunn,s,eur j cl nutr(ar 2011);65(3):402–8validation of a food freency estionnaire to ofructose

[278] h,aj,j nutr(1999);129:1407s–11spresence of ul and oligofructose the diets of aricans

[279] van loo,j,crit rev food sci nutr(nov 1995);35(6):525–52on the presence of ul and oligofructose as natural gredients the western diet

[280] teucher,b, res hue(oct 2007);10(5):734–48dietary patterns and heritability of food choice a uk feale hort

[281] williaarlic and hip osteoarthritis:evidence of a protective effect and putative chanis of action

[282] lissiarlic for the p,advances therapy(2001);18(4):189–93preventg the arlic supplent:a double-bld,pcebo-ntrolled survey

[283] zeng,t,j sci food agric(2012);92(9):1892–1902a ta-analysis of randoized,double-bld,pcebo-ntrolled trials for the effects of garlic on seru lipid profile

[284] o’brien,cl,plos one(1 ay 2013);8(5):e62815ipact of lonospy bowel preparation on testal icrobiota

[285] kellow,nj,br j nutr(14 apr 2014);111(7):1147–61tabolic benefits of dietary prebiotics huan subjects:a systeatic review of randoised ntrolled trials

[286] dewulf,eht to the prebiotic ncept:lesns fro an exploratory,double-bld tervention study with ul-type fructans obese won

[287] sazar,n,cl nutr(11 jun 2014);pii:s0261-5614(14)00159-9doi:101016/jclnu201406001ul-type fructans odute testal bifdobacteria species poputions and decrease fecal short-cha fatty acids obese won

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[289] davis,heat belly(rodale,2011)

[290] ten-free diet on gastrotestal syptos celiac disease

[291] perry,gh,nature ics(2007);39:1256–60diet and the evotion of huene py nuber variation

[292] falchi,eics(ay 2014);46(5):492–7low py nuene predisposes to obesity

[293] staudacher,hastroenterol hepatol(apr 2014);11(4):256–66chaniss and efficacy of dietary fodap restriction ibs

第十三章 人工甜味剂和防腐剂

[294] di salle,f,gastroenterology(sep 2013);145(3):537–9effect of carbonation on bra processg of sweet stiuli huans

[295] de ruyter,jc,n engl j ar-sweetened beveras and body weight children

[296] de ruyter,jc,plos one(22 oct 2013);8(10):e78039the effect of sugar-free vers sugar-sweetened beveras on satiety,likg and wantg:an 18-onth randoized double-bld trial children

[297] tleton,ja,diabetes care(2009);32(4):688–94diet da take and risk of cident tabolic syndro and type 2 diabetes the ultiethnic study of atherosclerosis(sa)

[298] tsey,pl,circution(12 feb 2008);117(6):754–61dietary take and the developnt of the tabolic syndro:the atherosclerosis risk unities study

[299] hill,se,appetite(13 aug 2014);pii:s0195-6663(14)00400-0the effect of non-caloric sweeteners on gnition,choice,and post-nsuption satisfaction

[300] bor,fj,appetite(2007);49(3):535–53glycaeht regution

[301] schiffan,ss,j toxil environ health b crit rev(2013);16(7):399–451sucralose,a synthetic anochlore sweetener:overview of biological issues

[302] green,e,physiol behav(5 nov 2012);107(4):560–7altered processg of sweet taste the bra of diet da drkers

[303] pepo,lycese load

[304] abou-donia,b,j toxil environ health a(2008);71(21):1415–29splenda alters gut lyprote and cytochro p-450 ale rats

[305] wu,gd,science(7 oct 2011);334(6052):105–8lkg long-terut icrobial enterotypes

[306] gostner,j,curr pharutory ipact of food antioxidants

第十四章 可可和咖啡因

[307] sh,sy,nat (jun 2014);46(6):543–50an ats of ic fences on huan blood tabolites

[308] ut shift neuroscience

[309] el,s,ann rev nutr(2013);33:105–28a and huan health

[310] stafford,ld,cheher preference and sensitivity to odor of chotes

[311] el,s,ann rev nutr(2013);33:105–28a and huan health

[312] golob,ba,arch tern d(26 ar 2012);172(6):519–21asciation beeen ore freent chote nsuption and lower body ass dex

[313] khan,n,nutrients(21 feb 2014);6(2):844–80doi:103390/nu6020844a polyphenols and fatory arkers of cardiovascur disease

[314] jenngs,a,j nutr(feb 2014);144(2):202–8takes of anthocyans and fvones are asciated with bioarkers of sul resistance and fation won

[315] tzounis,x,a j cl nutr(jan 2011);93(1):62–72prebiotic evaation of a-derived fvanols healthy hu a randoized,ntrolled,double-bld,crosver tervention study

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[317] art,fp,j proteo res(7 dec 2012);11(12):6252–63specific dietary preferences are lked to differg gut icrobial tabolic activity response to dark chote take

[318] esser,d,faseb j(ar 2014);28(3):1464–73dark chote nsuption iproves leukocyte adhesion factors and vascur function overweight n

[319] o,s,j proteout icrobio odution by polyphenol-rich foods

[320] nr,s,j agric food che 2011);59(15):8435–41fvanols and thylxanthes rcially avaible dark chote:a study of the rretion with non-fat a lids

[321] zhang,c,eur j epideiol(30 oct 2014);tea nsuption and risk of cardiovascur outes and total ortality:a systeatic review and ta-analysis of prospective observational studies

[322] dwig,ia,food funct(aug 2014);5(8):1718–26variations caffee and chloronic acid ntents of ffees:what are we drkg?

[323] crippa,a,a 2014);pii:kwu194ffee nsuption and ortality fro all caes,cardiovascur disease,and cancer:a dose-response ta-analysis

[324] denoeud,f,science(2014);345:1181–4the ffee noent evotion of caffee biosynthesis

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[326] teucher,b, res hue(oct 2007);10(5):734–48dietary patterns and heritability of food choice a uk feale hort

[327] aenoests asciation with cyp1a1/cyp1a2 and nrca

[328] elho,c,j agric food che 2014);62(31):7843–53nature of phenolic pounds ffee noids

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[330] vn,ja,diabetes tab syndr obes(2012);5:21–7randoized,double-bld,pcebo-ntrolled,lear dose,crosver study to evaate the efficacy and safety of a green ffee bean extract overweight subjects

第十五章 酒精饮料

[331] reh,j,ncet(26 apr 2014);383(9927):1440–2rsia:lesns for alhol epidey and alhol policy

[332] spector,t,identically different(weidenfeld&niln,2012)

[333] peng,y,b47his polyorphis east asian poputions and expansion of rice dostication history

[334] crii,h,ncet(1994);344;1719-23does diet or alhol exp the french paradox?

[335] di castelnuovo,a,arch tern and total ortality n and won:an updated ta-analysis of 34 prospective studies

[336] chaw,r,bht exp the french paradox

[337] spitaels,f,plos one(18 apr 2014);9(4):e95384the icrobial diversity of traditional spontaneoly fernted bic beer

[338] vang,o,ann ny acad sci(jul 2013);1290:1–11what is new for resveratrol?is a new set of rendations necessary?

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[340] wu,gd,science(7 oct 2011);334(6052):105–8lkg long-terut icrobial enterotypes

[341] eipo-ortu&241;o,i,a j cl nutr(jun 2012);95(6):1323–34fence of red e polyphenols and ethanol on the gut y and biocheical bioarkers

[342] chiva-bnch,g,alhol(ay–jun 2013);48(3):270–7effects of e,alhol and polyphenols on cardiovascur disease risk factors:evidence fro huan studies

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[346] ferrari,p,eur j cl nutr(dec 2012);66(12):1303–8alhol dehydronase and aldehyde dehydronase ne polyorphiss,alhol take and the risk of lorectal cancer the epic study

[347] hol4164asciation beeen alhol and cardiovascur disease:ndelian randoisation analysis based on dividual participant data

第十六章 维生素

[348] goto,y,iens presented by testal dendritic cells drive usal t 17 cell differentiation

[349] ril j d(20 ay 1993);328(20):1450–6vita e nsuption and the risk of ronary heart disease n

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[371] degnan,ph,cell ut y

第十七章 当心:可能含有抗生素

[372] shapiro,dj,j anti for adults abutory care the a,2007–09

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[374] garrido,d,y(apr 2013);159(pt 4):649–64nsuates by fant-asciated bifidobacteria:chaniss and iplications

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第十八章 当心:可能含有坚果

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[405] vn,ja,food funct(feb 2012);3(2):134–40nuts,especially walnuts,have both anti-oxidant antity and efficacy and exhibit significant potential health benefits

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[419] roederer,eic architecture of the huan iune syste

[420] schaub,b,j allergy cl iutory cells rd blood of aic others

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[422] hansen,ch,gut boratory ut icrobiota and host iunity an early‘ of opportunity’

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第十九章 保质期

[426] gorley,f,j epideiol fect(ay 2011);139(5):688–99a 17-year review of food-borne outbreaks:describg the ntug decle engnd and wales(1992–2008)

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[434] everard,a,proc natl acad sci(28 ay 2013);110(22):9066–71crosstalk beeen akkeransia uciphi and testal epitheliu ntrols diet-duced obesity

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